Merit Badge Counselor

Where can I find a list of local merit badge counselors? 

Troop, crew and ship leaders can find the list of merit badge counselors on the unit page in Scoutbook. Scoutbook provides a search for merit badge counselors at that location. Your unit need not use Scoutbook to view the list. Log into with your my.scouting userID and password, click on My Dashboard, Administration, your unit and scroll down the page.

Because the merit badge counselor list contains personal information, this feature is not searchable on the Great Rivers Council website. Please follow the directions below to access the list of approved Merit Badge Counselors.

  • The merit badge counselor list is also available by for unit key 3 leaders by logging into, going to their units Roster tool. Clicking on Reports.
  • District and council leaders can find a list of merit badge counselors at this link.
  • Merit badge counselors can find the badges they are approved to counsel by logging into (use your my.scouting userID and password to login) and clicking on My Dashboard, My Account, My Positions.

*Remember that when contacting a counselor, you should include another adult in your correspondences (parent, guardian, unit leader, etc.) to ensure adequate Two-Deep leadership. 

Becoming a Merit Badge Counselor

To qualify as a merit badge counselor, you must

  1. Be at least 18 years old and of good character with skills and education in the subjects they cover. 
  2. Fill out an Adult Leader Application with the Boy Scouts of America.
    • Yes, complete this form even if you are already a registered adult leader.
    • Under the “To Be Completed by Unit” section, enter “42” in the Scouting Position Code
      field, and enter “Merit Badge Counselor” in the Scouting Position Title field.
      (There is no charge to register as a merit badge counselor.)
  3. Complete Youth Protection training.
    • All adults that interact with Scouts must complete this training.
    • Training is valid for 2 years.
    • Once you complete the training, you will receive a certificate. Save that PDF (or take a screenshot) as you will need to submit it with your application.
  4. Complete the Merit Badge Counselor application. Be recognized as having the skills and education in the merit badge subjects covered and hold any required qualifications and training as outlined in the Guide to Safe Scouting or the Guide to Advancement-or use others so qualified. 
  5. Be able to work with Scout-age youth (11-18).
Submit your Youth Protection course completion certificate, Adult Leader Application, and Merit
Badge Counselor application to the Great Rivers Council.

For merit badge counselor resources and information please visit here.